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狼网 | 有了它帮忙,更快当“狼王”

2022年11月28日 09:50:30 来源:《通讯-生物学》 访问量:5387 作者:Connor Meyer




“我们真的低估了这些寄生虫带来的后果。”未参加该研究的美国诺瓦东南大学的Eben Gering说,“这些发现可能显露了弓形虫对野生生态系统动态意义的冰山一角。”


埃默里大学生物学家Jaap de Roode说:“这些寄生虫正在使用一些‘心理控制’或‘性格控制’帮助自己完成生命周期。这会产生难以预料的后果。”


这次,当得知黄石国家公园一些狼感染了弓形虫后,蒙大拿大学博士生Connor Meyer与黄石国家公园生物学家Kira Cassidy合作,研究了这种寄生虫是否也会改变狼的行为。






总的来说,Cassidy怀疑,从长远来看,感染的风险可能大于益处。“狼一出生就活在生死边缘。”(来源:中国科学报 王方)


Fig. 1: Map of cougar density and T. gondii seroprevalence in wolves in Yellowstone National Park (YNP).
figure 1

a Map of cougar density and T. gondii seroprevalence in wolves in Yellowstone National Park (YNP). Yellow indicates cougar density <1.8/100 km2 and purple indicates cougar density ≥1.8/100 km2. Pie charts show the T. gondii seroprevalence (seropositive=black; seronegative=white/transparent) from wolves living in nine general areas throughout YNP, pooled across years 2000–2020. b A sample year (2015) of wolf pack territory minimum convex polygons in YNP along with each pack’s cougar overlap index level (LCO, MCO, or HCO) based on percentage of overlap with cougar density ≥1.8/100 km2 (purple).

黄石国家公园(YNP)狼中美洲狮密度和弓形虫血清流行率图。黄色表示美洲狮密度<1.8/1000 km2,紫色表示美洲狮的密度≥1.8/100 km2。饼图显示了生活在整个YNP九个一般地区的狼的弓形虫血清流行率(血清阳性=黑色;血清阴性=白色/透明),汇集了2000–2020年。b YNP狼群领地最小凸多边形的样本年(2015年),以及基于与美洲狮密度重叠百分比的每个狼群的美洲狮重叠指数水平(LCO、MCO或HCO)≥1.8/100 km2(紫色)。

Fig. 2: Gray wolf T. gondii serostatus results and predicted probability of infection given cougar density overlap.
figure 2

Gray wolves with T. gondii serology results were divided into one of three categories relative to their average annual overlap with cougar density ≥1.8/100 km2 (top bar): Low Cougar Overlap (LCO in yellow) indicates wolves living in areas with 0.0 to 5.0% overlap, Moderate Cougar Overlap (MCO in orange) indicates 5.1–42.0% overlap, and High Cougar Overlap (HCO in red) indicates 42.1–100% overlap. This results in three categories of nearly equal sample size. The lower bars show the predicted probabilities, with 95% confidence intervals, of a seropositive T. gondii test for gray wolves living in LCO (yellow), MCO (orange), or HCO (red). Predicted probabilities are based on the full model.

根据其与美洲狮密度的平均年重叠程度,具有弓形虫血清学结果的灰狼被分为三类之一≥1.8/100 km2(顶栏):低美洲狮重叠(LCO为黄色)表示狼生活在重叠0.0至5.0%的区域,中等美洲狮重叠率(MCO为橙色)表示重叠5.1–42.0%,高美洲狮重叠度(HCO为红色)表示重叠42.1–100%。这导致三类样本量几乎相等。下条显示了生活在LCO(黄色)、MCO(橙色)或HCO(红色)中的灰狼血清阳性弓形虫检测的预测概率,置信区间为95%。预测概率基于完整模型。
Fig. 3: Predicted probabilities of wolf dispersal given sex, amount of time monitored, and T. gondii serostatus.
figure 3

Predicted probabilities of dispersing for male (blue) and female (orange) gray wolves with a seropositive (solid lines) or seronegative (dashed lines) T. gondii test. The shaded areas indicate 95% confidence intervals. The gray line indicates the average number of months (24.9) a wolf is monitored in YNP.


Fig. 4: Predicted probabilities of wolf leadership given the amount of time monitored and T. gondii serostatus.
figure 4

Predicted probabilities of becoming a pack leader for gray wolves with a seropositive (solid blue line) or seronegative (dashed lime line) T. gondii test. The shaded areas indicate 95% confidence intervals. The gray line indicates the average number of months (24.9) a wolf is monitored in YNP.


Fig. 5: Visual depiction of predicted probabilities of wolf serostatus and behavior.
figure 5

Schematic of results from both the demographic and the behaviour analysis. Displayed at the top are three sample packs with different cougar overlap categories and their corresponding predicted probabilities of T. gondii infection (seronegative in black; seropositive in red) based on the best-fit demographic model. Red-filled wolves indicate the expected percent of infected wolves out of 100% (e.g., total number of wolves in the pack). Cougar density ≥1.8/100 km2 is depicted with hatch-marks. Cougar density below 1.8/100 km2 is all the area outside of the hatch-marks. At the bottom are the predicted probabilities with 95% confidence intervals (gray lines) based on the best-fit behaviour models, of two risky behaviours: dispersing and becoming a pack leader for seronegative and seropositive wolves at 24.9 months monitored (the average number of months wolves in this study were monitored).

人口统计和行为分析结果示意图。顶部显示的是三个样本包,它们具有不同的美洲狮重叠类别,以及根据最适合的人口统计模型预测的弓形虫感染概率(黑色为血清阴性;红色为血清阳性)。红色填充的狼表示100%的受感染狼的预期百分比(例如,狼群中的狼总数)。美洲狮密度≥1.8/100 km2用阴影标记表示。美洲狮密度低于1.8/1000 km2是阴影标记以外的所有区域。底部是基于最佳拟合行为模型的95%置信区间(灰色线)的预测概率,这两种风险行为是:在监测到24.9个月时,血清阴性和血清阳性狼分散并成为群主(本研究中监测到的平均月数)。
Fig. 6: Hypothesized wolf-cougar-T. gondii feedback loop.
figure 6

Schematic of the possible feedback loop involving gray wolves, cougars, and T. gondii. Red figures indicate seropositive animals and black indicates seronegative animals. Thick, purple arrows indicate links supported by this or other published literature. Thin, gray lines indicate hypothesized relationships.


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